Friday, February 19, 2016

Small School, Big Heart: Our First Pep Rally & School Spirit

An innovative school for families of any means, welcoming students from every neighborhood in Pittsburgh's metropolitan area... We are a diverse community of learners. We are proud. We are just getting started.
We celebrated the coming of the final game of the season by hosting a pep rally.

Students and teachers competed in various athletic and academic events--all in the name of fun. Winner takes bragging rights, and a few incentives:

-Dress down day
-Pajama day
-Sports team jersey day
-Pizza party 

The best part about these incentives, other than the fact that they won't break the bank, is that the students came up with the prizes themselves. They made this day a success!

Students emceed the event, coordinated schedules, and ran the sound system. The amount of elbow grease that went into this event was a sight to see. It was a celebration of our school community. Mrs. Alvarez (seated to the right) organized the event as part of Integrated Studies' team 3 project to increase school spirit.

Our administrators got in on the action and battled for a hard fought victory against our students. Knock-out is a serious sport!

The three-legged-relay provided awkward fun for participants and a spectacle for spectators, alike. Finding and hitting your stride are two distinct things...

Volleyball provided some tense moments and spirited debate between the students and faculty. It was a close match, but in the end the teachers squeaked out a victory.

Final thoughts:

We are a small school with limited resources, but the imagination that went into making our first pep rally a success came from a limitless supply of inspiration. It's the desire to be one--to bring our community together and celebrate that which makes us unique, extraordinary... 

We are Holy Family Academy: a start-up school educating teens to be contributors to the world in which they live, work, and play. I'm proud to be a part of this community.

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